20 Awesome Best Pet Friends Of Cool Kids

20 Awesome Best Pet Friends Of Cool Kids

It is always cool for a child to have a pet that always watches over them. Although it is always possible to get into trouble more often with a pet that has become the best friend of the child. Children always use their pets to show off to their friends. These pets under many circumstances…

20 Weird Halloween Costumes Chosen By Kids

People or rather children around the world learn to regret about things in life, the hard way. The children in the photos might have chosen their favorite style of dressing, but the reality is something different. They definitely faced reality once they went out dressed in the weirdest possible dresses that can be worn by…

20 Students Who Are Total Rebels

20 Students Who Are Total Rebels

How brave were you in school? Brave enough to park the principal’s car on the roof? How about putting dead fish in the air vents? There was a time when hijinks in class were limites to boring old pranks and fart noises. But now that we can share pictures at the click of a button,…

20 Kids Toys That Will Make You Cringe

20 Kids Toys That Will Make You Cringe

Sometimes, what looks perfectly normal to a child has entirely different connotations to an adult. This can be used in kid’s movies to help keep parents entertained. When done right, a joke that’s a bit risque or offensive can help make sitting through another dumb musical cartoon a bit more bearable. Or it can backfire…

Here Are 13 Adorable Reasons Why You Should Let Your Kid Have A Dog

Here Are 13 Adorable Reasons Why You Should Let Your Kid Have A Dog

  Whether or not you love dogs, kind of like dogs, or don’t really care either way about dogs, you should still get a dog for your kid. Growing up with a dog is just the best – everyone needs a friend, and your child deserves the best friend you can get. From telling secrets…

24 Kids Had To Come Up With Their Own Joke…And This Is The Hysterical Result

24 Kids Had To Come Up With Their Own Joke…And This Is The Hysterical Result

  Remember grade school? Those glorious days when “homework” really meant about fifteen minutes of work, and all you had to do in school was stay awake? I mean, besides getting to do awesome projects like dioramas, book reports, and arts and crafts. Man, grade schoolers have it easy! Just how easy do they have…

This Is Why Foster Kids Are Who They Are..

This Is Why Foster Kids Are Who They Are..

This is a powerful video of the harsh realities foster kids have to endure before they find a place of refuge in a safe home. The YouTube description explains it well, Originally created for the 168 Film Festival, ReMoved follows the emotional story through the eyes of a young girl taken from her home and placed…

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