9 Fascinating Facts About the Female Body

The female body is an amazing thing. It’s strong, beautiful, and more than capable of giving us life. But that’s not all it can do! Below are 9 female body facts which highlight just how awesome the human body is!

There are a ton of fascinating facts about the female body that you may not have known. Some are myths, some have in-depth science, and some just make you wonder. 

Female Body Facts

The list of all the different female body facts is endless really, but if we narrow it down to 9 of the most entertaining and fantastically amazing facts about the female body you have to read this article.

1. A female heart beats faster than a male heart

The average resting heart rate for women is about 70 beats per minute, compared to about 60 for men. This difference is because women generally have smaller hearts than men. So, their hearts beat faster to account for their lower blood volume. Women are more likely to experience a rapid heart rate due to stress or emotions such as fear.

They are also more likely to experience heart failure than men because their hearts cannot pump enough blood around their bodies when they are stressed or overworked.

2. Females have a lot more taste buds than males

Taste is controlled by a part of the brain called the gustatory cortex. This area is larger in women than in men, and it contains more neurons for detecting sweet and sour tastes.

It’s worth noting that this doesn’t mean women taste better than men. It simply means they have more of these taste buds overall. And while this may seem like a trivial difference, it could help scientists better understand how our sense of taste develops over time.

Men and women also have different tasting preferences. Men tend to favor bitter foods, such as coffee, chocolate, and beer, while women prefer sweet foods like ice cream and candy. This is because estrogen influences the body’s ability to taste bitter flavors.

Estrogen levels are higher in women than in men during pregnancy and after menopause when they tend to prefer sweet foods more than usual.

3. Women have sensitive hearing even while sleeping

Women can hear sounds that men cannot. The difference between the female and male ear is the size of their outer ear canal, which is smaller in women than in men. This means that a lot more of the sound waves are trapped inside the ear.

The result is that women are more likely to be affected by loud sounds while they sleep, such as snoring or heavy breathing from their partner. One study found that women are up to five times more sensitive to noise than men!

In addition to being more sensitive to sounds while sleeping, women are also more likely than men to have sleep disorders like insomnia or restless leg syndrome. These conditions can make it more difficult for women to get enough restful sleep at night.

4. Stress can make a woman less fertile

Stressful situations, such as financial difficulties or relationship problems, may cause a woman to skip periods or become irregular. Stress can also affect the quality of the eggs in their ovaries and make them less likely to be fertilized.

Being stressed can even affect the timing of intercourse. If a woman is stressed out about something, she may not have intercourse at the right time of the month. Some women also experience pain during intercourse when they’re stressed out, so they may not want to do it as often when they’re feeling this way. This can lead to a delay in getting pregnant.

Also, women who reported higher levels of anxiety were less likely to become pregnant over time than those with lower anxiety scores. This remained true even after accounting for other factors like age, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

5. Women have stronger immune systems

This is true across all cultures, and it’s been shown to be true in animals as well. The findings suggest that women may have evolved stronger immune systems because they benefit from high levels of antibodies during pregnancy.

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Virginia found that women had a stronger immune response to influenza than men did. To conduct the research, scientists analyzed samples from 1,000 people who had been diagnosed with influenza in 2009. They found that women had a more robust response than men did when exposed to the virus via nasal swabs.

The scientists said they didn’t know exactly why this was happening but speculated it could be because of differences between male and female hormones.

6. Stress makes men crazy and women calm

The reason for this difference is not entirely clear, but it has a lot to do with their hormones. Women have lower levels of testosterone than men, which means their brains are programmed to respond slower to threats. So, when women are stressed out, their brains respond differently than men do.

Men tend to become aggressive when stressed; they get angry or lash out at others. Women’s bodies produce more of the hormone oxytocin during times of stress, which helps them respond more calmly by seeking support from friends or family members instead of lashing out at others.

A study was conducted by researchers in Australia where the researchers looked at the role of both the male and female hormones in determining how people react to stressful situations.

The team conducted two studies that examined participants’ emotional responses to different types of stress. In the first study, they found that women who took oral contraceptives containing estrogen were less affected by stressful situations than those who did not take oral contraceptives containing estrogen. In the second study, they found that men who took testosterone supplements exhibited more aggressive behavior when faced with stressful situations.

7. Female muscles are made up of more elastin, making them more flexible

It’s well known that men tend to have more muscle mass than women. But it turns out that the female muscle itself is actually more flexible than men. Women have more elastin in their muscles, making them more flexible and allowing them to better endure childbirth.

Elastin is a protein that gives elasticity to connective tissue and skin. Its function is similar to that of collagen, another type of protein found in connective tissue. Collagen gives structure and strength to connective tissue while elastin allows it to stretch and bend without breaking down.

The reason for this difference in elastin levels is unknown. Some researchers believe it could be due to estrogen, which increases the production of elastin in women. Other studies suggest that hormones may not play a role in this difference at all, as there are other tissues in our bodies that also contain more elastin than men have, like our skin!

8. Females have a stronger sense of smell

This is the reason why women are more likely to be attracted to the scent of men! The female nose is more sensitive, which allows them to pick up scents in lower concentrations than men. The difference is thought to be caused by hormones and the way they affect the brain and nervous system. Men have more testosterone, which may reduce their ability to smell.

Women have a better sense of smell because they have more receptors in their noses than men do. This means that they can detect odors at lower concentrations than men can. The average number of olfactory receptors per person is 20 million for women and 14 million for men.

9. Studies have shown women feel more pain than men

Researchers found that women are more sensitive to all kinds of stimuli, and they also have a higher pain threshold. These researchers measured participants’ physiological responses to pain and found that women were more reactive, while men were more tolerant of pain.

This explained why women said they felt more pain than men even if their physiological responses were similar. They also found that women had a lower tolerance for cold stimuli than men, which could be because of differences in body fat distribution or hormonal influences, but this is still unclear.

Researchers say this could be because their bodies are smaller and have less muscle mass, which makes them more sensitive to heat and cold.

They also found that when it came to pinching pressure, women were more sensitive than men, but only if they were tested on their right hands. Women who tested on their left hands showed no difference in sensitivity between men and women.


The female body is beautiful, it’s powerful, and it has some pretty fascinating characteristics that aren’t widely known. What’s more, the science behind these strange and not-so-strange facts can be fascinating.

The female body sure is a mystery. It often defies logic and science, but we hope that we’ve made it a bit less daunting. Have you heard of any other “facts” that might be true or myths that need debunking?