Here Are 23 Freaky Creatures You Could Find Hiding In The Corners Of Your House
Are you afraid of clowns? What about heights? Maybe public speaking? Do ghosts give you the willies, or mice? What about…insects? Being grossed out and frightened by creepy-crawly bugs is one of the most common things people share. Unfortunately for us, bugs are everywhere – literally, there are bugs on every continent, and there are about 200 million bugs for every single human being. We’re outnumbered 200 million to 1, guys: if the bugs decide to gang up on us, it’s over. So it’s best to make your peace with bugs and try not to scream and squish every single one you see. But definitely squish these guys if you ever see them (if you even CAN squish them!) – I’m pretty sure these are all sent straight from hell.
1.) Milkweed Grasshopper

2.) Africanized Bees

3.) Tsetse Fly

4.) Giant Huntsman Spider

5.) Giant Centipede

6.) Japanese Mountain Leeches

7.) Thorny Devil Stick Insect

8.) Giant African Millipede

9.) American Cockroach

10.) Male Dobsonfly

11.) Japanese Giant Crab

12.) Asian Giant Hornet

13.) Hercules Beetle

14.) Giant African Land Snail

15.) Human Botfly

16.) Bullet Ant

17.) Giant Weta

18.) Giant Water Bug

19.) Mosquito

20.) Camel Spider

21.) Brazilian Wandering Spider

22.) Giant Isopod

23.) House Centipede